Cardano Community: We released the beta version of the integrated PAB

Announcement on Cardano Community twitter account: Today we have released the beta version of the integrated PAB and now we invite our developer community to try it on the Cardano Thumbs up bicepstest network, take the steps and provide us with their feedback.

2020-11-05 PAB Release Notes
This release demonstrates integration with the cardano-wallet backend via the, and endpoints. It also adds a tool to set up and test this integration on a local “private testnet” and a collection of scripts to demonstrate this process end-to-end on the public testnet.

IMPORTANT: This is the first version with support for cardano-wallet. Please use this version with caution and we recommend using it on a testnet only.

New Features and Fixes: 2021-11-05 PAB Release

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility.

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