Tag Archives: Litecoin MWEB

Litecoin’s (LTC) MWEB Upgrade released, what is MWEB upgrade

He had been working on and developing the MWEB Upgrade of Litecoin (LTC) for 2 years. The new update will significantly increase its interchangeability and scalability on the MWEB Litecoin network. We can say that it is the most important update released among Litecoin upgrades.

What is Litecoin’s (LTC) MWEB Upgrade and what’s new:
“Mimblewimble is a privacy-focused decentralized protocol that uses a new way to structure and store blockchain transactions. The full anonymity of Mimblewimble transactions stands in contrast to the alias of other cryptocurrencies where three secrets are usually disclosed: the sender’s address, the amount of crypto sent, and the recipient’s. address. Mimblewimble does not reveal any of the three secrets or information. MWEB improves Litecoin’s exchangeability and privacy by allowing users to choose to keep their transaction amount confidential.”

Litecoin MWEB

Transmitters and purchases made on blockchains are generally publicly visible. In particular, companies do not want such payments to be seen. People who care about privacy may want their sending processes to be kept confidential. Litecoin MWEB upgrade pays attention to such privacy and raises the level of security by putting information about the sender, about the user.

LTC github Page

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