Tag Archives: Global Advisory Board

Binance Global Advisory Board Established. Is the regulation preparing?

Binance has started to innovate on the regulation and compliance process. Binance announced the establishment of the Global Advisory Board (GAB). The goal of the Global Advisory Board is to cooperate with regulatory bodies. GAB consists of distinguished experts in corporate governance, finance, economics and public policy.

The creation of the institution can be interpreted as a major step forward in Binance’s efforts to support the sustainable development of blockchain technology. The Global Advisory Board is chaired by former US Senator and Chinese Ambassador Max Baucus.

The institution met recently in France. Expressing his pleasure to be a part of GAB, Baucus said: ” Technologies that will add a new dimension to the global economy include cryptocurrencies, blockchain and Web3. These technologies are at the forefront of the most exciting and promising developments. It is a great honor for me to contribute to the establishment of the Binance Global Advisory Board. Our goal is to resolve the complex issues we face within the law and offer new recommendations.”

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility.