Tag Archives: Cardano People

Cardano ( ADA ) People

Cardano was built by a decentralized community of scientists, engineers and thought leaders united in a common goal: to create a technology platform that will spark the positive change the world needs. We believe that the future should not be defined by the past and that more is possible and possible for everyone thanks to technology. We measure the value of a task by its results, not by its difficulty.

Each island owner also owns a stake in the Cardano network. Ada stored in a wallet can be transferred to a pool of shares to earn rewards – to participate in the successful operation of the network – or can be committed to a pool of shares to increase the pool’s probability of receiving a reward. Over time, Ada will also be available for various applications and services on the Cardano platform.

source: cardano

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility.