Cardano (ADA) News, Ouroboros Leios, the most promising L1 upgrade

Ouroboros Leios is said to be the most promising L1 upgrade to come. Ouroboros Leios is a new variant of the Ouroboros family that will significantly increase throughput while ensuring optimum security on the Cardano blockchain. Important news for Cardano followers.

KtorZ, an open source developer at the Cardano Foundation, explains the foundation of Ouroboros Leios in his tweet thread. Cardano is a distributed system where nodes reach consensus by sharing blocks according to the schedule they are selected. Blocks are created roughly every 20 seconds and spread rapidly to the rest of the network.

It indicates that a node is often not actively validating blocks when serializing and forwarding data to its peers, as the block throughput is typically not high enough to keep the node busy all the time. The idea behind Leios is about using these idle resources and making the structure of the chain more parallel. It involves utilizing the full potential of UTxO.

Input blocks, confirmation blocks, and sequencing blocks are the three new types of blocks that Leios proposes to split the chain structure. These blocks are created in various proportions and serve various purposes. It should be borne in mind, however, that Leios remains a Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP), which could mean it’s a long way from now.

Source: U.Today

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